Friday, April 10, 2015

Contacts & Glasses vs. LASIK: Which is the More Affordable Solution?

Americans spend almost $30 billion a year on eye care visits and prescription services alone. While most people rely on glasses or contacts to correct their vision, many patients are considering a permanent solution such as LASIK as a more affordable route. Typically, LASIK ranges from $1,000 to $4,000 per eye. Assuming that the total cost of laser surgery is $4,500, which is the most affordable option?

Contacts: In addition to visits with an ophthalmologist or an optometrist, people typically spend about $250 a year on contacts. Of course, this varies widely, as some patients with astigmatism or other conditions will pay more. Over 20 years, a patient will have spent $4,500 on contacts, making LASIK the more affordable solution over time.

Glasses: Naturally, people who use glasses save more than those who purchase contacts. Most people will spend an average of $196 on a pair of glasses, replacing them every two to three years. Someone who replaces their glasses at this rate over the course of two or three decades would only spend around $2,000—the cost of LASIK for one eye.

Of course, the decision to undergo LASIK surgery is up to the individual. In addition to advice from ophthalmologists, you should do significant research before opting for any type of permanent vision surgery.